The list of application shortcuts


CTRL+SSave projectSaves the current project
CTRL+SHIFT+SSave project as newSaves the current project as new
F2Change nameRenames an open project

Element edition

CTRL+CCopyCopies the selected item to the Windows clipboard. If more than one item is selected, the main item of the selection is copied (marked in blue)
CTRL+VPasteStarts inserting an item copied to the clipboard. The pasted element must be inserted (clicked) in the same way as when inserting an element from the tray. The difference is that the pasted item has the same parameters and material settings as the item copied to the clipboard
CTRL+ZUndoUndo last operation
CTRL+YRedoRedo the last undone operation
DELDeleteDeletes selected items
ENTERPropertiesOpens the properties window for selected elements
ESCEnd the actionEnds the currently running action, e.g. element insertion mode or animation. If no action is running, ESC will deselect all checked items
ALT+2Collapse materialsCollapses the material list for the Materials tab in the Element Properties panel

Element insertion

2xLMB / LMBInsert elementIn selection mode (default), double-clicking on an item in the tray will load it from the database. To insert the loaded element, click in the scene. If the insertion mode is on, then each LMB click in the scene will insert the selected item in the tray (you do not need to double-click in the tray)
CTRL+LMBSave project as newPressing the CTRL key while inserting an element into a scene causes the element to be inserted without fastening (A warning appears at the bottom of the window)
SHIFT+LMBChange namePressing the SHIFT key while inserting an element into a scene causes that the plane to which the inserted element will be moved is highlighted. We change the plane with the mouse scroll.
CTRL+1InsertActivates the normal mode for inserting elements from the tray.
CTRL+2Insert nextActivates the mode of inserting several items from the tray one by one. After inserting one, the next same element is loaded immediately.
CTRL+3Insert without fasteningActivates the mode of inserting elements from the tray without fastening. (When you insert an item, a warning appears in the Design Warnings window at the bottom)
CTRL+4Insert and open propertiesActivates the mode of inserting elements from the tray where, after inserting an element into the scene, the properties window of the inserted element is immediately launched.

Calculation of the distance from the wall

CTRL+DCalculate the position along the Z axisIn manual mode, calculates the position of the selected element along the Z axis to the nearest wall

Selecting elements

LMBSelectingLMB means Left mouse button. Selects an element in the scene if no action is running (insert, area selection, etc.). LMB can select elements only in the currently open group (or project)
CTRL+LMBAdd to selectionPressing the CTRL key allows you to select more than one element in the scene
SHIFT+LMBSelect in a groupSelects an element in a group without opening it (e.g. a door leaf in a front). To select several elements in a group (e.g. several wings) just press CTRL
CTRL+ASelect allSelects all visible elements in the scene. Elements hidden by a turned off layer (e.g. Interior / Exterior / Front), elements hidden by a rotated camera (e.g. elements on other walls of a wardrobe hidden when the camera is rotated) or elements outside the currently open group are not selected
CTRL+IInvert SelectionInverts the selection of elements

Grouping of elements

SPACEOpen groupOpens the currently selected group item. The function is available only when the selected element is a group of elements and allows it to be opened (e.g. sliding front, drawer module, column system module and all new elements-groups added to the project)
BACKSPACEClose groupCloses the currently open group
CTRL+SHIFT+GGroup itemsGroups selected elements placing them in a group with a given name. The new group has the same fastening as elements inside
CTRL+SHIFT+UUngroup itemsBreaks the selected group down into its components (if the group was created by the user)

Manipulating elements

CTRL+PMoveEnables / disables the element move manipulator. The manipulator consists of 3 XYZ axes and 3 planes after clicking on which the element can be moved in the desired direction or along the selected plane. The individual axes / planes are available only when moving the element in the given direction is possible (the XYZ position of the element cannot be locked)
CTRL+RStretchEnables / disables element stretch manipulator. The manipulator consists of “cubes” visible in the corners of the element, where you can click and stretch the element in a given direction. The cubes are visible depending on the angle of viewing the element and when stretching the element in a given direction is possible (dimensions are not blocked)
CTRL+ORotateEnables / disables the element rotation manipulator. The manipulator consists of 3 circles on which you can click and rotate the element in the XYZ axis. The circles are visible depending on the angle of view of the element and when rotation of the element is allowed


CTRL+ENTERNext dimensionAfter entering a dimension on the ruler, the CTRL + ENTER key goes to editing the next dimension on the ruler (without closing the window). The same can be obtained by clicking the Next button
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTERPrevious dimensionAfter entering a dimension on the ruler, the CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER key goes to editing the previous dimension on the ruler (without closing the window). The same can be obtained by clicking the Previous button

Change view

Num-2Rear view Sets the rear view for the selected element, project (if nothing is selected), or group (if there is an open group)
Num-4Left viewLeft view of an item / project / group
Num-5Front view Front view for the selected element, project (if nothing is selected) or group (if a group is open)
Num-6Right viewRight view of an item / project / group
Num-8Top view Top view of an item / project / group
Num-9PerspectivePerspective view of an item / project / group
CTRL+NumDel2D/3DSwitches the mode 2D / 3D
F12Print screenSaves the current view

Operating the camera

LMBMove cameraPressing RMB (right mouse button) and moving the mouse moves the camera left / right / up / down
SHIFT+LMBOrbitingMoving the mouse while holding down SHIFT + PPM causes the camera to rotate around the selected element or to rotate the camera in the room if no element is selected
CTRL+LMBRotate cameraRotates the camera in the room

Shape editor / Front editor

Page UpNext baseChanges the modification reference point to the next one. You can choose left / right, both sides simultaneously
Page DownPrevious baseChanges the modification reference point to the previous one. You can choose left / right, both sides simultaneously